Reikoku GitLab instance

Strengthen Account Security

We strongly recommend using the longest possible passwords (128 characters in Extended ASCII).

We also strongly recommend that you set up multi-factor authentication using Passkey and TOTP or Yubikey immediately after completing registration. You can use iCloud Keychain, KeepassXC or similar software to conveniently organise the process of storing your credentials.

Strengthen the security of SSH data transfer

The server accepts connections only for ed25519 keys.

To generate such key, use the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/reikoku_ssh_key -N ""

Add an SSH key to the SSH agent

To eliminate the need to explicitly specify the key used to connect to the GitLab server, run the following command:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/reikoku_ssh_key
Reikoku GitLab instance